May 14, 2000 One of the many advantages of convoy chasing is that when you have nothing else, you have each other. There are tales to be told, laughs to be had, things to be seen... Whereever we go out here, there are things to learn and adventures to be had. The sky is HUGE out here, and our delight in having such a magnificent ground level view of all that is happening above is one we cherish; yes, even when it's NICE. There is never "nothing happening" above. In the presence of oppressively fair weather and a slim-to-none chance of any severe weather occuring, we decided to take on the roles of tourists. As usual, the forecast team gathered and analyzed their data throughout yesterday and today. The persistent High pressure "over our shoulder" and the impossible cap, no trigger, and cool temps dictated that today would be an off day. We cleaned out the vehicles and checked their fluids, then charted a path to Dodge City... in the hopes of catching a Wild West show at a guest ranch prominently featured on the Kansas State Department of Commerce web page. When we got there we followed a road that was deeply rutted and obviously not well traveled to find ourselves dead-ended staring deeply into the eyes of a rather large buffalo. Next to his pen, a large donkey gazed quizzically at our vehicles as if to say, "and they call ME a jackass!" Turns out the place was closed 'til after Memorial Day. There was some talk about going to Boot Hill, some talk of going to Fort Dodge, and other interests in visiting the Dodge City NEXRAD site, but one thing we can all readily agree on is getting something to eat. That's exactly what we did. A Kansas-style buffet won out over exploring the abundant American history in the area. We're only human, and let me tell you, we can EAT when the opportunity presents itself. We're looking at that slight risk of strong thunderstorms east of us for tomorrow, a situation we ordinarily would not look too anxiously at were we not absolutely flat out from severe weather deprivation. This is part and parcel of the chase game, and why we insist that people who chase with us are in love with the entire process. And on the up side, we're learning LOTS from each other and eating extremely well. We have published pictures of our play day at and Nancy Bose Brian McNoldy MESO (